Imagining Simulation Theory

Imagine a world where everything around you is simulated by a computer, well, you may not need to imagine. As unbelievable as it may be, people on our earth truly think we may be within a computer simulation.

What is Simulation Theory

  • Simulation theory is essentially the claim that our entire universe and reality is in fact a computer simulation. Within the simulation everything we are experiencing is generated by incredibly powerful computers. The leading arguments behind simulation theory come from philosophers David Chalmers and Nick Bostrom. Both incorporate the idea of a computer simulation in their own unique interpretation of what a simulation could consist of.

Nick Bostrom

Nick Bostrom's simulation theory was revolutionary to the field of simulation philosophy. Bostroms predicted simulation is an entirely computer generated simulation with unlimited computing power. His ingenious proposals of our future world spurred much thought among many different influential minds on philosophy. Bostrom imagined a future world where our human race either: 1, does not create technology to simulate reality, 2, does create the technology but decided against using it, and, 3, creates the technology and decides to create an ancestral simulation. According to Bostrom, if the third and final prediction does in fact occur, that greatly increases the chance of our universe being simulated.

David Chalmers

David Chalmers responds to the claims of Bostrom with some of his own claims. He agrees with Bostrom’s hypothetical idea of a simulation being computer simulated, however, thinks the manner in which the simulation occurs is different from that of Bostrom’s. In Chalmers proposal, he uses the ideas of the famous movie The Matrix to form his own simulation theory. He believes that if we were within a computer simulation, it would be a computer controlling the cognitive functions of our brain. Essentially, he thinks we are just brains in a vat. Chlamers uses his prior knowledge of the brain to propose that the brain can be convinced into believing it is experiencing things that are not happening. Thus, a computer would function to convince ur brain into thinking it is living a life in a false reality.

Is it Possible to Create a Computer Simulation of Reality?

There is no definitive answer as to whether a simulation is in fact possible. According to Bostrom, the computing power necessary to create a simulation is possible to create, even though it may be the size of entire planets. Others, however, do not believe that the computing power is possible to create within our universe. Scientists, after some calculations, determined that to power an entire world, the necessary computing power would exceed the atoms of our world. Thus, it would not be possible for humans to develop the necessary technology to simulate realities. However, that does not mean that, potentially, other universes had greater computing power not feasible by mankind and were able to run simulations within their own realities. In which case, one cannot rule out the possibility of our current world being a simulation. Nonetheless, if we were able to simulate reality within our own world, it would provide much conviction to the argument of our reality being simulated.

Is There Any Way to Know if We are in a Simulation?

The answer is simple, no. If the computer simulation creating our world has unlimited computing power, we will never be able to know if we are in fact in a simulation. This is because with unlimited computing power, the computer simulation would control all degrees of reality. Therefore, the computer can make anything that occurs within the simulation feel as if it is real. Furthermore, the simulation is able to stop and reverse the simulation if need be. The computers also have control over our memories and can erase any memory we have of a potential glitch within the simulation. However, if the computer had limited computing power it would be possible to see a glitch within the simulation. But we have no idea what this possible glitch would encompass, and we may never know. It is very possible that if there is a glitch within the simulation, we will notice immediately. Although, we may not notice a glitch, and never be able to prove that we are in a computer simulation.

Philosophical Implcations of a Simulation

Possibly the most interesting aspect of simulation theory is considering the philosophical implications of a living in a simulation. Consider, one day, all of human kind finds out we are in fact within a simulation. The computer simulation simply tells us that we are within a simulated reality and that we are not real beings, and then our life continues. Surely that induces certain questions about the philosophical principles we currently have within our world.

We may consider questions like:

  • Would you live your life differently?

  • Would you have different ethics?

  • Would you have different goals for your life?

  • Would your meaning of life change?

  • What would you feel knowing your life is all simulated and its only purpose is to be studied by others?

  • What feelings would the knowledge of another reality cause?

How Would Life Change?

Many may argue that life would not change at all. We all live our life exactly how we should, and we, as humans, have mastered how to live the most productive life to achieve the most happiness. Or perhaps the thought that our reality in fact is not changing, we are just acquiring new information about it, which may prevent people from changing their habits. All that being said, I think I may be very inclined to change the ways in which I live. I may consider my life to be insignificant, and may choose to live my life continually searching for pleasure, and limiting the things I would not like to do. I may lose my connection I feel to other human beings, as we aren’t the same species we are just computer simulations. My loss of connection may lead me to selfish behavior, and I may rethink my ethical considerations. I may not live life according to any ethical standard, I may just think about myself. One thing that for sure stays consistent despite being within a simulation is ours senses and feelings we experience. Thus, I may just try to maximize pleasure and try to experience the most possible feelings I can. It is quite possible that many people take up this way of life and society crumbles, or completely shifts away from its current structure. Alternatively, people may choose to act completely normal and have everything stay the same. Regardless, the knowledge of being within a simulation will make someone most certainly think about the current life they are living.

Is Life in a Simulation Insignificant?

With the knowledge of our reality as a computer simulation, some may believe that our lives lose any significance. Our entire purpose of life is to simply be data for our creators. Our world is fake, and we are not real people simply just computer programmed visions of a human. Despite all of that being true within a simulation, I believe the significance of life does not change. For one, I personally live life never thinking about whether or not my life has any significance in general. Further, the fact that, even if I knew I lived in a simulation, I would still want to continue to live life indicates that the significance of life maintains because somebody in this world wants me to be there. I may no longer be inclined to save humanity, but I would certainly want to cherish the life I was gifted by the simulation.

What Other Implications Might Life in a Simulation Have?

The other possible philosophical implication of being in a simulation could be the quest to find truth. With the knowledge of a simulation comes the knowledge that there is a true reality. Philosophical questions about truth and reality would all be answered if we were able to reach this true reality. Thus, one may be inspired by the curiosity of another reality to spend their entire lives trying to find a way out of the simulation. While this is unlikely, it is definitely possible. Overall, life may not change within the simulation, however, some may treat life drastically differently.